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Electrochemical activated water generators that improve hygiene in a safe way

Improving the overall hygiene without using chemicals that harm human health, can be a challenge. That is why at Aquaox, they have developed electrochemical activated water generators that produce electrolyzed water, which is ideal for safe cleaning and sanitizing in various facilities and industries, such as hospitals and the food processing industry. If you start using this automatic cleaner, you will not need to use conventional chemicals anymore. This way, the risk of drug resistance in bacteria, for example, decreases. These systems are the ideal solution for optimal hygiene!

Professional systems that are used by NGOs

This expert provides three sorts of electrochemical activated water generators:

  • EC-systems
  • EA-systems
  • MOW-systems

The systems are used in various industries. EC-systems are suitable for breweries, hotels and other highly computerized production processes. EA-systems are used in agriculture, intensive farming and horticulture. Do you work in the water treatment industry? Then MOW-systems are perfect for your business! This experts knows exactly which system is suitable for which industry. If you are not sure about which system to use, you can always count on this specialist for personal and professional advice about their products and applications.

Learn more about these generators

Are you curious about the electrochemical activated water generators of Aquaox? These generators are perfect if you would like to reduce costs, control the system remotely and if you want to use green products. They have their own facilities for conducting research, development and production in the USA and in the Netherlands and more than fifteen years of experience. Do you have problems with mold, fungi, bacteria or viruses and do you find it hard to find an appropriate solution? Then engage with this expert and they will be very happy to help you in solving problems with bacteria while improving the hygiene within your business!
